(540) 254-0848

To safeguard the health of our community, UUBRidge is suspending on-site services at Hearthstone in Sperryville as the Corona Virus Global Pandemic develops. We will be holding virtual services using the Zoom.us platform for the time being. To join our virtual services, go to Zoom.us and sign up for a free account. It’s the big button at the upper right. When you’re done with that process, just click the link above to join our virtual Sunday services. You may have to enable audio and video on the Zoom app to participate.

If you are unable to use a computer or smartphone to access Zoom, don’t dismay! There is a “call-in” feature that allows you to use your home phone to participate.

Unitarian Universalists of the Blue Ridge - Sperryville, Virginia

Events & Announcements

RE Announcement

This year we are using Kate Tweedie Covey’s curriculum entitled, “Picture Book Unitarian Universalist”.

This curriculum will help us pass on our values through some great books and we will be able to add those books to our permanent RE library.

Youth in 5th grade and up are invited to be mentors/leaders in the R.E. program. They may also enjoy participating in Sunday morning services.

To sponsor a book for this curriculum please see our RE Coordinator after services or shoot her an email to see which books still need to be purchased.

We only need 11 more books to round out our year!

If you have any questions about our RE program please contact our RE Coordinator, Brittany Roy, at re@uubridge.org

Did you know we have a new way to sign up as a volunteer teacher for our RE program? We do!

Click below or copy and paste the following link into your browser and follow the steps provided:


Just remember, if you haven’t volunteered with us before, we will need to complete a cursory background check prior to your volunteer date.

FREEDOM vs. LIBERTY: Click to Download

for More Announcements

Sunday Services Begin at 10:30 a.m.


On behalf of the entire congregation, I bid you welcome to the Unitarian Universalists of the Blue Ridge.

We gather with our doubts as well as our convictions, with our fears and our hopes, with our failures and our aspirations, with our sorrows and our joys.

Whether you are joining us today for the first time, or you’ve been with us since this congregation’s beginnings in 2008, you are welcome here.

Whatever the faiths you have now – if any – or whatever your heritage, you are welcome here.

Whoever you are and whomever you love, you are welcome here.

However you arrived at this beloved place, you are welcome here.


All Services Start at 10:30 AM

Sunday, April 25: From the Heart: A Trans gender Virginian’s Story, Dexter Davis

Join Dexter, a member of Equality Virginia’s Transgender Advocacy Speakers Bureau, for a morning of fellowship and learning while he shares his personal story as a transgender man, followed by plenty of time for dialogue and questions.

The Welcoming Congregation Committee invites you to check out these quick and informative videos to better understand what it means to be transgender, making the world a better and safer place for transgender and other gender diverse people. https://www.trans101.org.au/

Sunday, May 2: How Flowers Changed the World, Rev. Russ Savage

The flowers are all around us at this time of year. Loren Eiseley’s touching essay reminds us how long the flowers have been covering the world, and what a difference they have made in our lives. Let’s take a look at the flowers!

Sunday, May 9: May Virtual Fellowship

Tune into ZOOM with something to share. Offer anything from the inspiring to the mundane or ridiculous; or perhaps share a short poem or quotation that you found meaningful this week. This service is a time to check in with our friends during this pandemic.

Sunday, May 16: We Are All In Need of Healing, Rev. Russ Savage

From the coronavirus to racial justice to our ever-warming planet, there is much need of healing in the world. As people of faith, how should we be addressing these needs for healing? And what about the healing that each one of us needs? Let’s examine what healing might mean in these times.

for More Upcoming Sunday Services

Recent Sermons


The Plight of Children

Finding Our Way