(540) 254-0848

Announcements and Upcoming Events


The Board meets the first Sunday of the month.

The Services Committee meets the second Sunday of the month.

The Environmental & Social Justice Committee meets the third Sunday of the month.

The Religious Exploration and Communications/Outreach Committees meet periodically as needed.

The Board & Committees meet at 12:00pm following service. Everyone is welcome.

For more announcements and events please visit our Facebook page at Facebook.com/UUBridge

Our Mailing Address is:
P O Box 312
Washington, VA 22747

To check on service cancellations from inclement weather, dial 1-540-227-3037, then press 0. Information will be posted by 7 a.m. Sunday.

Rev. Russ Savage, Minister, minister@uubridge.org
James Hanover, Board President, president@uubridge.org
Bet Jones, Treasurer & Bookkeeper, treasurer@uubridge.org
Brittany Roy, Religious Exploration Chair, re@uubridge.org
Brittany Roy, Outreach Coordinator, outreach@uubridge.org

Sign up to receive Board meeting minutes. During each monthly meeting of the UUBRidge Board of Directors, the board approves the minutes of the previous meeting. If you would like to receive an email copy of the approved minutes, please contact Kathryn Treanor at secretary@uubridge.org to add your name to the email list.

Rapp At Home is an emerging neighbor-to-neighbor support organization created to help us stay connected in our community as we age. For more information, contact Emery Lazar at (540) 937-1789 or emerylazar@gmail.com. Information can also be found on the Welcome table on Sundays.

Environmental and Social Justice Library The UUBRidge ESJ committee has a library in Room 8 of the Hearthstone School. It includes a small study area.