(540) 254-0848

Upcoming Services

All Services Start at 10:30 AM

Sunday, June 20

Fatherhood and Immortality

Rev. Russ Savage

On this Father’s Day, I will tell you a little about my father and the example he set for me and my sister and brother. He taught us many lessons, some profound, some silly, some unforgettable. Perhaps the stories of my father will remind you of your own father. 

Sunday, June 27

June Virtual Fellowship

Tune into ZOOM with something to share. Offer anything from the inspiring to the mundane or ridiculous; or perhaps share a short poem or quotation that you found meaningful this week.

This service is a time to check in with our friends during this pandemic.

June’s theme is SUMMER.

Summer Break Schedule

July 4- No Service
July 11- Virtual Fellowship
July 18- No Service
July 25- Virtual Fellowship
August 1- No Service
August 8- Virtual Fellowship
August 15- No Service
August 22- Virtual Fellowship

Due to Covid-19, our services are currently being held virtually via Zoom at 10:30am on Sundays.
Please join us by app, computer, or phone as you are able.

Meeting ID: 340 646 494
Password: 077806

Our Sunday Services are held at Hearthstone School
11576 Lee Hwy, Sperryville, 22740
Please enter up the ramp on the West (right) side of the Building

Rev. Russ Savage, Minister, minister@uubridge.org
James Hanover, Board President, president@uubridge.org
Bet Jones, Treasurer & Bookkeeper, treasurer@uubridge.org
Tara Moylan, Outreach Coordinator, outreach@uubridge.org

To check on service cancellations from inclement weather, dial 1-540-227-3037, then press 0.
Information will be posted by 7 a.m. Sunday.